Saturday, December 8, 2012

Things Happen

When I was 16 I attended a school called SHCS. It was a private school and I was totally uninterested in being pulled from public schools and all my friends to go to some school that talked about God in all the classes who even somehow managed to work God into math class with a bunch of kids who thought they did no wrong and I was a demon spawn from Hell. I met a guy there we hated each other he was mean to me and I was mean to him. He was like me, an outsider there coming from a public school when most of the kids attending had attended their whole lives. So finally my Jr year the school gets shut down. They don't have the money to fund the middle school and high school program anymore. So they keep elementary and now all these kids are forced to go elsewhere. There was one teacher there whom I loved. He was my favorite teacher. Science was my favorite class and all because of him. His name was William Thompson but we called him Coach Bill because he also coached volleyball and basketball. He was my coach, my mentor and became a very big important part of my life. He ended up being a father figure to me. Upon the school closing my grandmother paid him to open up an independent study for me so i could still be taught by him and still graduate on time. So he did, and we acquired quite a few more students all of whom i ended up becoming very close with. Sitting in class one day this guy walks in he has the most gorgeous smile and is just all around perfect. Little did I realize right away this was the kid that was mean to me all through my previous years. He started attending school there with us, we started dating, he ended up becoming my husband and the father of my children. In the middle of my Sr year coach got really sick. He had a blood clot in his brain. He was hospitalized and I ditched school everyday to go be there with him (at this time his assistant teacher was filling in) I was terrified to lose him he taught me EVERYTHING I KNOW! He passed close to Valentine's day and it was absolutely heartbreaking. I had no where to go. I was pregnant and the independent study shut down. I ended up going to portage adult education. It was rough. Being pregnant and in  school the doctors appointments and not being able to attend gym. Things with my husband and i didn't work out we got divorced and i stopped going to school. I had so much going on. By the time my second kid came around (we decided to divorce 3 days after he was born) I had decided to start going to school again. I did it I got all my credit hours and walked at the graduation ceremony only to find out I wasn't legit graduated because i never took an ISTEP test! WHAT?!?!?!!? this is news. I had never even heard of that. The school I had been attending didn't require it. So I took that darn test 3 times and still haven't been able to completely pass. The math is what gets me. I'm like math illiterate lol. So anyways here I am today, 24 years old, I've had a hard life more then what I've just listed here but this is just some of the things that set me back. I am currently studying for my GED I'm going to be taking it the end of January. My children's father is a very close friend of mine as of recently though. All the court and other things that happened we hated each other deeply but that's a story for a different day. I have 2 beautiful children that I love dearly and wouldn't trade for the world, and after searching and searching for the right man for years and never finding true love I finally found it. I have the most amazing man in my life that I have every intention on marrying and I have a new house as well. Life is good. I guess the moral of the story is that no matter how bad you have it (or think you do) you have the power to change it and that things WILL get better if you believe. Keep your chin up and don't lose hope. This life is like a game of cards, it doesn't matter how  crappy the hand you've been dealt is, what matters is how you play it. Don't get discouraged. You will make it through.

Friday, December 7, 2012

How Many People Have Died Jumping Off The Golden Gate Bridge

 known for its classic, worldwide known beauty and amazing setting this breathtaking bridge located in San Francisco Bay is unfortunately a magent for suicides. Factoring in the horrifically turbulent waters at the base, the raccoon strait is feared by mariners, so success in killing yourself is virtually garunteed!

  From the bridge to the water is a 67-meter fall (219.816 ft) that takes approximately four seconds, with which a jumper would hit the water at about 120 kilometers per hour (74.5645 mph). As of 2006 there were only 26 people known to survive "The Jump". The official suicide count ended sometime in 1995, at that time the number was at around 1,000! In the eight years proceeding 2003 there was an average of one suicide jump every two weeks, which put the death total at well over 1,300!!

  In 1996, Highway Patrol removed about 70 suicidal people from the bridge. Currently the estimated suicide rate is said to be at about one every fifteen days, although not all are witnessed. The ones who do manage to survive are said to hit the water feet first leaving them with MASSIVE internal injuries and TERRIBLY broken bones. A woman named Sarah Rutledge Biennium jumped TWICE!!! She somehow managed to survive the first jump in 1998 but was killed later that year during her second jump.

 Bridge Officials are dumbfounded. They have no clue as to how to prevent this. They have put up barriers, signs and a crisis telephone that directs you directly to a crisis hotline yet none of these attempts at prevention seem to make a difference. A plan to close the bridge was even talked about.

They made a film about the suicides and happenings called "The Bridge" that captured 23 jumps in 2004.

     Are all these really suicides? Is this coincidence? I dont know, but what I can say is that some people are not in their right mind and do committ suicide, a LOT of people actually. Some part of me (my inner sicko i suppose) thinks that not all of them were suicides. The ones that were not witnessed could have just as easily been a murder.

  If you or someone you know has suicidal thoughts contact a suicide help line immediately DO NOT HESITATE! It is a serious matter with serious obvious consequenses so I ask that you get yourself or the person you know help IMMEDIATELY you can contact someone for help by calling 1-800-273-8255. Save a life, its worth it! Thanks for reading. Come back soon and see what we will talk about next.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Economicaly Tough Times

OK so I just want to cover something that really really irritates me, this economy has gone down the tubes, there are more and more citizens without jobs and there are more and more poor families forming due to lack of income. The poor get poorer and the rich get richer. My dilemma is I am one of those that has been cursed with not finding a job and I am pretty broke. Its Christmas time. There are plenty of good people in this world who are actually trying to find a job and get their lives on track but they have no hep and the economy sucks so bad that its nearly impossible. I have the worst credit ever. My ex husband screwed my credit and I'm sure there are some of you out there who know what its like to have terrible credit and it not even be your fault!!! Its very very frustrating. So then you have the Internet and credit card companies who say "oh no credit, bad credit we will approve you no matter what" Now some of them are loud and clear that they are secured cards or pre pay and that's all fine and dandy but then you get these ones that rope you into filling out a credit app just to find out you have to pay them $300 just to open the account and activate your line of credit!!!! If i had $300 to just throw at them to open the card i wouldn't need the card to begin with. The whole point in getting a credit card is because if you don't have the money right away you can use that and pay it back. But the kicker is you have people who say oh we wanna help but i don't see anyone helping those of us that are stuck in the sick sinking quick sand of bad credit and impossible tasks of finding a place that's hiring! That is what really gets me going! Don't look down on those of us who have to bust out buts trying to better and fail because we have no help. you cant possibly say one word because what you do is look down on us and talk about it but never try to actually help.

Where are all the good people in this world!


Does anyone ever feel like their family is against them? Like you are alone and just don't know where to turn to? I always thought if you cant turn to family who can you really turn to? As I've gotten older I've realized my family is most definitely not one to envy. I have a pathetic loser drug addict father who wasn't there when I was born and who hasn't called me in 24 years to wish me a happy birthday. Sometime he will try to reappear when its convenient for him but now that he has a crack head new girlfriend and her daughter he has abandoned once again. Although it doesn't really bother me because I have dealt with it for 24 years but I have a 10 year old little sister who I know it hurts. Hes so pathetic! Then there is my mother. I love her don't get me wrong but she took custody of my kids from me when they were really little. For no real good reason, every time I would try to pick them up and do something with them she would come up with some kind of excuse why I couldn't. She turned me against my ex husband completely making him out to be the worst person ever and just made life so stressful. A part of me thinks she took my kids because she felt guilty for never being there for me and my sister when we were little and maybe she psychologically feels as though shes making up for it via my children but its not OK. Ive had a long hard road for being as young as I am. Ive seen things when I was little that most 40 year old have never seen and been in situations the same. Its hard to deal with, but right now I have custody of my kids. Its between me and my ex husband, We get along fantastically and are basically best friends. Things are great in that department but here's where the drama is, My mother texts me and calls me 18 million times a day to not "suggest" things or give "advice" but to shove down my throat how I HAVE to raise my kids and how I'm doing it wrong and that my ex shouldn't get to spend so much time with them and what not. I cant take it. Its ridiculous. She needs to me their grandmother and stop her crap. The worst part is when I got the custody back in August the child support was never switched and I kept asking and asking if she was still receiving it. she swore up and down she wasn't come to find out she was spending it to pay off her lawyer and shop!!! Stealing money from her grandchildren. SICK! So the point in this is that I have learned a lot from this experience. Ive learned that you cant always rely on family if  they were never a good family to begin with but not to let it get you down because you are a strong person and don't need anyone or anything but you and your own. Ive also learned how to stand up for myself when it comes to my mother. I currently have her blocked from my cell phone and am barely speaking to her. I think I will eventually forgive her and unblock her but not until she can prove that she can bite her tongue. her and I have never had a good relationship but that doesn't mean try to fix it using my kids that means fix it with me. Things are working out in my life regardless of the bad situations and if it wasn't for what I saw and went through as a kid and teen I would never have the wonderful things I do now. I am getting married I have 2 wonderful children and I am a strong grounded woman who no matter what happens will find a way to make it through and make the best of it.

This was my rant and rave blog of the night. Going to go brainstorm my next topic and then get back on. If anyone is going through anything similar or anything at all and want me to cover that certain topic because you think it might help just let me know and I will cover it, as well as if you just want someone to talk to for advice feel free to comment. I'm not perfect at this blog thing  yet because I'm so new to it but if you bare with me i'll get there and will eventually start doing some fun video blogs. Thanks for the support  readers. I hope you enjoy now and more so as time goes on. This is a learning experience for me as well and hopefully while I'm growing and learning through this you will  grow and learn with me. Thank you for your time


So Good Morning everyone. Ive been up since 730 yuck and this is my first blog post of the day. As my day goes along I'm sure ill have more to say but I want to start with letting you know feel free to give me feed back. My goal is to not just blog but also have blog discussions so feel free to comment on the topic if interested. Today I want to discuss 3 yr old classes and Pre-school. My youngest child is 3 and enrolled in classes for 3 year old's and my oldest is 5 and in pre-school. Their father doesn't think its needed at this time in their young spunky lives. At first I disagreed intensely but now I'm looking at the big picture and beginning to realize that all they are doing is learning how to write their names, color, the alphabet and numbers up to like 10. I'm feeling these are all things we can do at home on a daily basis for free instead of paying 100 dollars a child to attend school. The only argument Ive had so far is that its a learning experience for the kids with other kids learning how to get along and share and be obedient to an authority figure other then their parent. I feel I can teach them all that at home as well. I feel like the society makes it out to be a bad thing if you don't enroll your child in pre school but in reality any good parent is already teaching their children these core values at home anyways. Just my opinion. Now I am signing off to pick the kids up from school. I already have another topic ready in my head for when I get back so get ready readers cause the next one is a little more drama involved! Feel free to comment your opinions or advice on this topic at hand and i will do my best to respond as quickly as i can. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

First Blog EVER!

So this is officially my first blog ever! Im not really completely sure how this works though im sure it will become easier as I go. So to start I will tell you a little about myself. My name is Linsdsay, I am 24 years old and have 2 beautiful little boys. Im in a comitted relationship with the most wonerful man I could ever imagine having and if everything goes well and according to planned we will be getting married sometime in the near future or so I hope lol. I've spent so much time deciding what I want to do with my life, where I see myself in 5 years all that stuff that people constantly ask about. I've gone from wanting to be a nurse to wanting to be a pediatrition to a lawyer the whole nine yards and all in all I just am having trouble making the decision of what I want to do. Since I was a little kid I have loved the camera. Ive always wanted to model and have tried and tried to get into that world. With many many failed attempts I still sit here on my couch writing this blog to whoever will read it. I am determined to model at some point. I am a member of model mayhem and a few other sites to try and get my name out there but I feel like I just continually hit dead ends with it because I keep running into scams and all that. So now on to the important stuff.....This blog is something I decided to do because I have quite the life. Never really a dull moment even in the serious times and I feel that not only do I like to write and vent and get it all out maybe just maybe some of my experiences will help some other young girl or guy ( or really anyone of any age) during a similar period in there life. Maybe i'll be an inspiration to someone and maybe ill get lucky get my name out there and someone will see my pictures via my blogging profile and think I have what it takes to be a model. So with all that being said im gonna sign off, and to all who read this get ready for fun, questions, advice, romance,heartache and craziness......